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Your Career

At the end of the day, with all our hard work, with all our capabilities, in addition to all the excellent quality of our performance, it is essentially the high value of your career that brings the smile on our clients’ face.
It is our best asset so please take good care of it.

Consultants at Advice have always been committed to partner with top quality executives. We typically recruit executive and non-executive board members, general management roles and C-suite executives, as well as high-end, very niched experts.

With a history of almost 20 years of integrating executives in successful companies, on exceptional roles, we can assure you that we will be there to support your next career move. 

Your career is at the very heart of our profession. Essentially, everything we do gravitates around it.

Thank you for your trust.

You want to send us your CV

*Before sending us any information, please:

1.  Make sure you read carefully and agree with our Confidentiality and GDPR policy here

2. Do consider our specialization and make sure we are the right choice before entrusting us with your resume. 

You have the choice of sending your CV to our dedicated account at Not Actively Looking.  


Not Actively Looking is a 3rd party provider. We will carefully review the CV`s submitted there and we guarantee that every piece of information will be treated with the highest confidentiality. 

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Follow our corporate page on Linkedin.

We announce there many of our open assignments, news and insights. 

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