Established in 2001 and located in Bucharest - Romania, Advice is a retained executive search firm, one of the prominent consultancies focusing on recruitment of superior level talent.
Typical assignments cover recruitment of executive and non-executive board members, general management roles and C-suite executives, as well as high-end experts through-out a broad area of industries.
We believe in custom-made solutions.
Dream Management: de vorba cu Mirela Oprea
Pe Mirela Oprea am cunoscut-o mai ales prin implicarea ei in World Vision, dar am si participat la unul din atelierele ei de Dream Management.
Un om cu o reputatie excelenta si o prezenta care inspira. Inarmati-va cu rabdare, ca e un articol lung: Mirelei ii place sa scrie :)

Marile suferințe ale managerilor de top
Consultantul Rudolf Fedorovici vorbește la Ziarul Financiar despre dificultățile pe care rolul de manager le poate avea.
Event: HR Uncovered
Pe lângă progres, schimbarea aduce cu sine nevoia de adaptare, iar într-un domeniu precum Resursele Umane, provocările preiau multe nuanÈ›e.
Cum arată viitorul în HR?
Chief Executive Officers (CEO),
Country Managers,
Managing Directors,
General Managers,
Operations Managers,
Regional Managers (CEE);
HR Manager SEE,
HR Business Partners,
Head of Talent Aquisition;
Finance Managers,
Financial Controllers,
Audit Managers,
Financial Experts;
Supply Chain Directors,
Logistics and Operations Managers,
Purchasing `Managers;
VP Commercial,
Country Sales Managers,
Regional Sales Managers (Balkans),
Sales and Commercial Director,
National Sales Manager,
Head of Modern Trade;
Supply Chain,
Risk and Compliance,
Process Management,
Human Resources,
General Management;
Creating tailored leadership solutions is essentially science. It builds on long and thoroughly nurtured experience, it requires evidence-based methodology, complex scientific tools and strong ethical principles.
And, then, there's the intuition.